About Journey Song

Support Our Mission
Please help us continue to offer music to those nearing the end of life
Journey Song's activities are funded by members' dues and by charitable contributions from generous supporters who believe in our mission.
Although our overhead expenses are low – comprised principally of our Music Director's compensation, rehearsal space, the purchase of sheet music, and community outreach activities – your support is important to helping us continue to offer music to those nearing the end of life.
Journey Song is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation registered with the N.H. Attorney General's Charitable Trusts Unit. Your donation to Journey Song is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
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Make a Donation
We appreciate your kind donation to Journey Song.
Please make checks payable to Journey Song, and send to:
Journey Song, c/o Cynthia Harriman
57 South St., Portsmouth, NH 03801

Thank You So Much for Your Support!

Thank you for the beautiful vocalists that have come to sing for Melanie. A beautiful gift.
Thinking of you with a happy memory in my heart of your beautiful visit. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Thank you all for making the Veterans’ Day breakfast so special with your beautiful voices!
Thank you for sharing your time, your song and your love with my family. Your generosity of spirit will always be with us.